What are the classification of teppanyaki grill equipment?

Cookeryaki teppanyaki grill table found that many people think that there is only one type of Teppanyaki on the market, but in fact, Teppanyaki equipment is divided into three.

Grill stove is easier to install and remove

Grilled stoves are generally easier to install and disassemble, can be moved at will, internal devices are not easy to damage

Some Common Sense About Choosing Commercial Teppanyaki Grill Tablecorrectly

The first prerequisite when choosing a Smokeless Hibachi Grill Table device is to see if it has the same firepower as an ordinary traditional burning stove.

Smokeless Hibachi Grill Table | Maintenance Measures

It is very convenient to use, but how to clean it is relatively clean and how to maintain it is the most reasonable? Let ’s introduce Cookeryaki to you!

Commercial kitchen kitchenware classification and purchase method

People should also pay attention when buying commercial kitchenware. Cookeryaki provides you with several ways to buy kitchenware for your reference.

Commercial Smokeless Teppanyaki Grill Table | Internal Structure

The structure of the Commercial Smokeless Teppanyaki Grill Table equipment is composed of the host, peripheral decoration, fume purifier and fan.