Takoyaki Recipes | Benishoga Takoyaki And Tenkasu Takoyaki

Takoyaki is a kind of spherical Japanese snack, which is made of batter made of wheat flour and cooked in a special mould pot.

This Japanese snack is a ball of mixed ingredients, including "Tako" (Octopus cut or diced), "tenkasu" (tempura scraps), onion and pickled ginger.


Benishoga Takoyaki With Takoyaki Sauce


2 cups (480ml) high soup
2 eggs
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup and 2 tbsp of general flour
2-3 scallions, chopped
2 tbsp benishoga, chopped
5-6oz octopus, cut into 1 / 2-inch cubes
Takoyaki sauce or okonomiyaki sauce
Aonori (green algae)
Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)


Cooking Instructions

In a large mixing bowl, mix the flour, eggs, soup ingredients, soy sauce and salt together until it becomes vacuum.

Put the takoyaki pan on the stove, brush it with light oil only in the hole, and then heat it until the oil starts to smoke. Use a brush or paper towel to thoroughly spread the oil on the holes of the pot to avoid the paste sticking. After that, you can now pour the batter into the holes in the pot.

During the cooking process, dice the octopus into small pieces, and the chopped onions and ginger drizzle in the small takoyaki pan.

Cook the takoyaki balls over medium heat for about 1-2 minutes, then turn them over with bamboo or metal strings (or chopsticks). You may need to watch this YouTube video to learn how to turn the takoyaki over correctly. Cook the other half of the batter for another 3-4 minutes, then transfer it to a clean plate to cool.

After cooking, put them on a clean plate, then pour the takoyaki sauce on it, then add the Japanese mayonnaise to taste. To make the dish complete and ready to serve, sprinkle it with green seaweed ("aonori") and dried fish fillet ("Katsuobushi").


Tenkasu Takoyaki


100 grams of flour
1 eggs
300 ml stock
50 gram Octopus
1 / 4 cup chopped green onion
1 / 4 cup tenkasu
2 tbsp red pickled ginger
Takoyaki sauce
Japanese mayonnaise
Seaweed topping
Ito fillet


Cooking Instructions

1. Mix the water, eggs and stock ingredients in a bowl, stirring until foam.

2. Obtain a filter, sift the flour into a large mixing bowl, and then pour 1 / 2 of the water mixture into it.

3. Mix the dry flour and water evenly until it becomes sticky.

4. Pour the other half of the water mixture into the mixing bowl, and mix the flour and water evenly.

5. Dip the cooking oil in the takoyaki pan with the kitchen brush, and then start heating in the furnace.

6. Pour the batter into each hole of the pan and make sure it is filled to the top half. Then add pickled ginger, tempura chips, onion and octopus to the batter, and then add more batter to seal it in.

7. Pour the batter into the pot and cook for 2-3 minutes, then let the other side cook. Remember to clean up any excess batter that spills when you pour it earlier. You can pour the batter into the next batch of takoyakis and then pour it into the pan.

8. Don't turn the takoyaki over every minute or so until they turn golden. The color change will indicate if it is cooked.

9. When ready, transfer it to a clean plate, spread takoyaki sauce and Japanese mayonnaise on it, then coat them with fish and green onion slices, then serve them to the guests.


 Benishoga Takoyaki And Tenkasu Takoyaki