Teppanyaki Style Dining Table | Beef Short Ribs with fried Radicchio and Eggplant

It allows two or more people to really eat quickly and easily.


Each person you need:
• 1 slice beef short ribs, cut into sections (add more if necessary)
• cut into quarters and sprinkle with olive oil, pepper and salt
• eggplant, 6-8 (depending on size) inch thick slice, marinated
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• black pepper, freshly crushed
• Coarse salt

Ladicchio can be replaced with any other salad head, as long as the leaves are not too delicate. If you don't like eggplant, try plantain or other leafy vegetables.


Marinade for 4 slices of short ribs:
• 2 tablespoons soy sauce
• 1/2 level lime juice
• 1 tablespoon diced jalapeno or Serano peppers (personal preference), remove seeds and white parts
• 3 or more cloves and garlic, chopped


Mix the ingredients and spread the meat on a platter. Marinate for 10-15 minutes and rotate once. Discard excess liquid.

Warm Cookeryaki teppanyaki style dining table over 4-5. When ready (the orange light goes out), switch the dial to 9.

Coat the electric teppanyaki grill cooking center with olive oil (with a spatula) and slice the eggplant. When it starts to turn brown. Add meat at the same time. After Browning, turn and heat the other side. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. When cooked to the desired degree, place the meat in the heated area.

Meanwhile, the other side of the eggplant slice has turned brown. Push the slice into the commercial teppanyaki table heated area, then place the Radicchio fragment in free space. It turns quickly as it starts to brown and shrink slightly. Close Cookeryaki custom made teppanyaki equipment and serve.


Teppanyaki Style Dining Table | Beef Short Ribs with fried Radicchio and Eggplant