Teppanyaki Grill Equipment | Barbecue Method

For teppanyaki grill equipment, different ingredients require different baking methods.

Slices of meat: Thin slices of meat can be cooked in about 3 minutes. It should not be baked for too long. Otherwise, if the meat becomes hard or burnt, it will not taste good. Pork must be cooked until it is fully cooked before it can be eaten. Beef should not be roasted until it is fully cooked. Otherwise it will destroy the tenderness of the meat.

Seafood and fish: When the clams and fillets are grilled, it is best to wrap them in tin foil, which is not easy to scorch the skin, and it is easy to store delicious soup. Barbecue for about 2 to 3 minutes, the fish fillets are raised and ready to eat. Sweet and not hot, hot dogs, sausages, etc.: Try to use small fires, in addition to vegetables, it is best to put them in a tin foil box and grill them in a smoldering way. The fire is as good as possible.


1. Use of charcoal: The best choice for fuel is charcoal. Try not to use chemical charcoal. The special flavor of charcoal grilled food comes from the aroma of grilled food when charcoal is hot. Therefore, choosing charcoal is the basis for enjoying delicious food. Good quality charcoal fires generally last a long time and the fire is good. It is best to choose the branches of charcoal. Do not use whole tubers, otherwise it will not be easy to point. At the time of ignition, 5 capsules were placed at a time for a pack of 5 seeds. When the charcoal is to be burnt to the transparent red heat, spread it flat and roast. When the surface of the charcoal has not been burnt, do not rush to bake, so it is easy to stain and blacken the food.

2. Clean the grill: Before grilling the food, first brush the grill with a layer of oil to prevent the food from sticking to the rack. Always brush off the residue on the grill with an iron brush and keep the grill clean so that it does not affect the flavor of the food.

3. Turn over at the right time: When the food is on the grill, turning it over and over will not only prolong the cooking time, but also destroy the protein and cause the meat to harden. When grilling food, the food must be heated to a certain extent to easily turn over. If after turning over, some food sticks to the grid, indicating that the protein has not been completely heated, and the hard pull will only tear the protein fiber. If it is fish, it will form peeling.

4. Replenish moisture: The longer the food is in the process of roasting, the greater the loss of moisture and oil, and the more dry the mouthfeel. Therefore, during the barbecue process, you should brush some barbecue sauce on the food to keep the food moist, but be careful not to brush too much at one time, and the food is too salty.

5. Use of salt: Salt can be used for seasoning. In addition, during the roasting process, many fat-rich foods will drip after heating. These oil droplets will be burned by charcoal fire to produce a high flame, and the food on the grille is grilled. If it is sprayed with water, it will only produce soot-contaminated food. If you sprinkle some salt in the fire, you can solve the problem.

6. Diamond-shaped baking marks: Authentic diamond-shaped baking marks can definitely add to the barbecue technology. It is not difficult to bake out the diamond-shaped baking marks. First, the temperature of the charcoal fire is required to be hot enough. Then the food is placed on the grill at a 30-degree angle. When the food is fully heated, the food is turned to the opposite direction at an angle of 30 degrees to form. Diamond-shaped baking marks.


Teppanyaki Grill Equipment